books for economics

6 Essential Economics Books For Beginners

“The most basic question is not what is best, but who shall decide what is best.”

From the price of a latte to the inflation rates of a country, economics is everywhere. Few factors can have the same amount of influence on every facet of our lives as money and finance. Being able to understand the basic fundamentals of this part of the world can be a daunting, often confusing, demand. Thankfully, there are a number of acclaimed authors in the literary world who have made it their duty to introduce the world of economics to readers. As engaging and entertaining as they are informative, check out the best books for economics here at What We Reading

Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores The Hidden Side Of Everything – Steven D. Levitt And Stephen J. Dubner

In Freakonomics, economists Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner attempt to change a reader’s perspectives on the modern world. However, they do so in some of the most unconventional and out-of-the-box approaches that most readers would never associate with a book on economics.

From crime to child-raising, sports to cheating, both Levitt and Dubner guide readers through contemporary society with dry wit and killer insights, using storytelling techniques to differentiate between how we would want to work, and how it actually works. As dazzling and on-point today as it was when it was first published, this first entry in Freakonomics will completely alter your understanding of the world around us. 

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A Little History Of Economics – Niall Kishtainy

In A Little History of Economics, Niall Kishtainy explores the history of economics in an effort to answer some of the biggest questions surrounding money.

From questions over whether poverty is an inevitability with Capitalist systems to how much a Government should intervene in its economies, Kishtainy’s work is a straightforward and often humorous sweep through the key principles of economics, its history and its ideas. Kishtainy utilises short chapters and insights from economic thinkers ranging from Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes and David Ricardo to explore how economic forces continue to shape our world. 

Economic Facts And Fallacies – Thomas Sowell

Economist, social commentator, and author of Basic Economics, Thomas Sowell dives into some of the most popular fallacies with lively energy in a means that anyone can access in his book, Economic Facts and Fallacies. Renowned for his laissez-faire approach, Sowell tackles everything from male-female differences, urban issues, race, academia and the problems facing Third World countries in a complete sweep through the ins and outs of economic principles.

Written in an easy-to-access style and with real-world examples, Economic Facts and Fallacies is the perfect gateway into the world of economics.

Pathway To Prosperity: Your Guide To Money And Economics

From the macro to the personal, Mark Lazar’s Pathway to Prosperity is the ultimate guide to taking the mystery out of money. In it, Lazar practically breaks down and explains everything from investing, budgeting, risk management and taxes for a resource that is as practical as it is easy to understand.

The end goal of this book on economics is to enable readers to have a greater understanding of personal wealth, as well as empower them with the knowledge to make smarter, more informed decisions with their finances. 

Spin-Free Economics – Nariman Behravesh

In Spin-Free Economics, Nariman Behravesh takes on the biggest myths and misconceptions around economics during the age of globalisation.

Left or right on the political spectrum, educated or blatantly misinformed, Spin-Free is one of the best economic books for explaining how the idea of money is often spun and manipulated for clicks, views or agenda. Instead, Beharvesh strives to put these issues in the middle of the road, breaking down how economic issues ranging from healthcare, productivity, education, immigration and other headline issues are explained without any bias. 

Economics in One Lesson: The Shortest & Surest Way To Understand Basic Economics – Henry Hazlitt

A million-copy seller, Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson remains one of the best for economics beginners. Not only does it remain one of the finest works from one of the greatest economic thinkers, but it has gone down as a defining influence on political policy-making.

Credited with foreseeing the great economic collapses that would plague Western markets fifty years on from its first release, Hazlitt’s book emphasises the importance of free markets, anti-deficit positions, and economic liberty of individuals, making it as strikingly relevant today as it ever has been. 

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